Early Warnings You’re Headed for Burnout

I’ve had three burnouts in the last 15 years. All different textures, but all with the same underlying cause - an incessant pressure to be constantly performing and achieving. This pressure was certainly external coming from the intensity of scaling tech companies. But, the inability to pause came from somewhere deeper. From a place of not feeling worthy of rest, not feeling like I have ever done enough.

Burnout comes in many shapes and sizes, but the key is recognising the warning signs early. It’s easy to brush these things off, but it’s your body yelling at you to pay attention. Once you recognise you’re on your way to burnout it’s time to take action and/or seek support.

Here’s 5 signs to look out for:

⁠ 1. Exhaustion - You have persistent tiredness not relieved by rest, you feel physically and emotionally drained most of the time. No amount of sleep makes you feel energised.

2.⁠ ⁠Physical symptoms of burnout - You have a twitch in one of your eyes that just won’t go away. Or ⁠recurrent muscle tension/knots in your body, especially shoulders/neck/back. Headaches, stomach and bowel issues. Dizziness, chest pain, palpitations. These can vary person to person, and come and go.  

3.⁠ ⁠Emotional symptoms - These come from having a nervous system that is overloaded, meaning your capacity to tolerate stress is shrinking. You may have feelings of lethargy / dread / overwhelm / irritability.

4.⁠ ⁠Increased urge to numb stress - You find yourself numbing your feelings with food, alcohol, gaming, TV or something else. 

5.⁠ ⁠⁠Inability to focus of self motivate - You have trouble focusing and getting things done. Concentration is challenging and your memory isn’t what it normally is.

Recognising these signs is the first step towards taking necessary actions to improve your wellbeing. Consider taking breaks, setting boundaries, and seeking support if needed to address these issues effectively.

I am pausing has programmes designed to prevent and combat burnout.

We help you perform at your best, sustainably.

Here's how 1:1 leadership wellbeing sessions work:

1. Discuss Goals: We'll identify your specific goals, like improving leadership or productivity.

2. Unleash Potential: Use conversation and somatic practices to integrate mind and body.

3. Instant Impact: Get insights and strategies you can use immediately.

4. Post-Session Support: Receive personalised follow-up with an action plan and resources.

Ready to explore?



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