Our Team

Hannah Godfrey

Hannah has spent the past 15 years scaling high-growth SaaS businesses in New York, Silicon Valley, and London. Despite achieving great outward success, inside it was a different story and she experienced multiple burnouts. This led Hannah on an inward journey, and now she is passionate about changing the way we work and live, by embracing the power of pausing.

Gracie Da Silva

Gracie is a qualified Holistic Health, Life and Movement Coach with experience in helping hundreds of people in transforming their wellbeing in body, mind and life. Entering into the world of health after a career in corporate events, Gracie has a passion and understanding for how best to support professionals to thrive in life and business.

Steven Ebbers

Steven is a breathwork facilitator, an ICF-accredited coach, an experience designer, and a community builder. His original background is in Psychology (MSc). In his work his main focus is on connection. Reconnecting people to themselves, others and their environment to make sure we live a life that deeply resonates, whilst staying rooted in reality.