83% of UK organisations saw an improvement in employee engagement and well-being after implementing breathwork and mindfulness initiatives.

According to a report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Corporate Wellbeing

Wellbeing Sessions

Pause to perform.

Sessions designed to improve your team’s performance by taking an essential pause from the intense pressure of working life.

Investing into the holistic health of your team, is not only the right thing to do, it actually increases happiness and performance.

Delivered in person, hybrid and fully remote.

With our highly skilled team of the top practitioners we deliver sessions across a wide variety of modalities.


Mini Pauses

Off-sites & Company Retreats

Pause to energise & connect.

We organise whole company or leadership team offsites, or can tack sessions on to your existing event.

The goal of these day or multi-day events is to pause from the day to day and work on, instead of in, the business.

  • Energiser sessions at the start of the day, and after lunch to keep everyone engaged.

  • Facilitated strategy sessions.

  • High performance workshops.

  • Authentic connection exercises

Leadership Coaching

High performance coaching with a wellbeing focus.

We offer coaching from those who have been in your shoes and understand the pressures of leadership.

These sessions are designed to help you:

  • Perform at your best

  • Increase emotional resilience

  • Manage Stress

  • Improve decision making

High performance programs for teams

10 week program in pausing for performance

This course is specifically designed for commercial teams at high growth companies.

Modules include:

  • Create a winning day / week 

  • Mental fitness 

  • Resilience building techniques 

  • Habits of a top performer 

  • Sleep smart 

  • Managing stress & pressure 

  • Emotional advantage - emotions are your superpower 

  • Energy audit 

  • Win at work life balance 

  • How to not burn out

Examples of Wellbeing Sessions

  • Breathwork

    Utilise the power of the breath as a tool to reduce stress and overcome anxiety, increase focus and improve energy, optimise health and vitality and so much more.

    Empower your team with the tools they need to manage their nervous systems and navigate the world with greater ease. One breath at a time.

  • Sound Healing

    Offer your team a moment of tranquility and rejuvenation as they experience the healing powers of sound.

    This experience is the perfect break from the demands of the work as the gentle waves of sound guide you into a state of deep relaxation, mindfulness and peace.

  • Yoga

    Experience the power of mind-body connection.

    The benefits of yoga are endless and provide ample opportunities to help your team feeling better mentally and physically.

  • Qi-gong

    With the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being, Qi-gong, pronounced ‘Chi-Gong’ is a intentional movement and breath based practice.

    It’s the perfect work break as it helps to get you in touch with your energy or 'Chi', feeling more energised, mentally calm and clear and experiencing freedom in the body.

Pause for creativity

Pause for creativity

  • Sleep Smart

    Unlock the secrets of restful, restorative sleep.

    This engaging and interactive session combines expert insights with practical strategies to enhance sleep quality and duration.

  • Self Massage

    Learn techniques to release tension from head to toe!

    Utilising a range of simple but effective massage and myofascial release techniques that will leave you feeling free in the body and relaxed in the mind.

  • The Emotional Advantage

    Understand, process, and ultimately take charge of your emotional journey.

    Our expert facilitators lead the way, delving deep into the realm of emotional intelligence. Explore the science behind emotions. Includes a versatile toolbox of strategies to navigate the full spectrum of emotions & gain the confidence to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace.

  • Energy Audit

    A powerful guided exercise to find optimal balance in life, prioritise your health & happiness, and avoid burnout.

    We are like a battery.In every moment, what we are doing is either giving us energy or taking it away from us.

    This workshop will help to open your perspective to how you have been living, where you are out of balance so that you can take action to bring yourself back into alignment.

Pause to perform

Pause to perform